
Ms. Parker draws from years of litigating cases in state and federal trial and appellate courts, administrative agencies, and arbitration. She brings her experience handling a wide variety of disputes and working with all walks of life to her role as a neutral to render well-reasoned and unbiased decisions.

Labor Arbitration services include Med-Arb, Expedited Arbitration, Interest Arbitration, Fact-Finding, Conciliation, Special Magistrate. Collective Bargaining Agreements (labor agreements) and management-labor relationships present unique considerations in arbitration. An experienced and knowledgeable labor professional is critical to the process.

Ms. Parker’s experience includes both private and public labor sectors. Ms. Parker is skilled at parsing arguments based in employment law, such as discrimination, disability, workers’ compensation, family medical leave, and the Fair Labor Standards Act, in the context of a labor agreement. Her arbitration practice includes consumer and commercial matters.


Ms. Parker’s perception and insight into relationship dynamics help her facilitate a smooth, efficient process for all mediation participants. Ms. Parker’s training includes mediation of insurance claims and labor, employment, eminent domain, contract, business, and consumer disputes. 

Mediation can be used successfully in the labor-management context to avoid the costs of arbitration, maintain workplace stability, and boost morale. Ms. Parker has negotiated successfully the resolution of grievances and labor agreements in and out of mediation.

If you want to file a lawsuit, consider Pre-Litigation Mediation before you file in court. The court system prefers settlements and, in most cases, you will be ordered to mediation. There are many excellent reasons to mediate your dispute before going to court, such as to test an argument, evaluate the opponent, avoid wasting money, and maintain the maximum amount of control over the outcome.

Nationwide service

Virtual platform capability

Click Schedule to book your mediation or arbitration


An outside investigator maintains neutrality before, during, and after an investigation. Ms. Parker conducts thorough investigations and presents unbiased findings.

Save time and money and minimize workplace disruption by investing in an unbiased evaluation. Ms. Parker investigates the workplace. The most common investigation is initiated by an employee complaint of bullying, harassment, discrimination, or safety concerns. Other areas of investigation include code of conduct violations, conflicts of interest, workplace misconduct, breach of contract or collective bargaining agreement, organizational disputes, and more. 

If you’re not sure if you need an outside investigator, Schedule a free consultation.